overlay_image    version 0.2    Overlay a transparent image on top of another image.
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overlay_image    version 0.2    Overlay a transparent image on top of another image.
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function lathe_shape ($equation, $start_x, $end_x, $detail, $degree_x, $degree_y, $degree_z, $face_color, $vertex_color, $scale, $image_size
$vdist = 20;
$dist = 20;
$sides = lathe_polygons$equation, $start_x, $end_x, $detail);
// project each of the polygons
for ($i=0; $icount$sides); $i++) {
$points[] = project_polygon$sides$i], $degree_x, $degree_y, $degree_z, ($end_x$start_x)/2, 0, 0, 20, 20, true);
// scale the image somewhat
$scale = $image_size$scale/($end_x$start_x);
return render_polygons$points, $vertex_color, $face_color, false, false, $image_size, $scale);
function kmp_search ($x, $y
// see http://www-igm.univ-mlv.fr/~lecroq/string/node8.html
// set-up phase
$i = 0;
$j = -1;
$kmpNext = array();
while ($i < $m) {
while ($j > -1 && $x[i] != $x[j])
$j = $kmpNext$j];
if ($x$i] == $x$j])
$kmpNext$i] = $kmpNext$j];
$kmpNext$i] = $j
// search phase
$i = 0;
$j = 0;
$m = strlen$x);
$n = strlen$y);
$results = array();
while ($j < $n) {
while ($i > -1 && $x$i] != $y$j])
$i = $kmpNext$i];
if ($i >= $m) {
$results[] = $j$i+1;
$i = $kmpNext$i];
return $results
show_address    version 0.6    Given an address, show the location on a map.
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function magic8ball ()
$answers =array'It is certain', 'It is decidedly so', 'Without a doubt'
'Yes – definitely', 'You may rely on it', 'As I see it, yes'
'Most likely', 'Outlook good', 'Signs point to yes', 'Yes'
'Reply hazy, try again', 'Ask again later'
'Better not tell you now', 'Cannot predict now'
'Concentrate and ask again', 'Don't bet on it'
'My reply is no', 'My sources say no', 'Outlook not so good'
'Very doubtful' );
$index = rand(0, count$answers));
return ($answers$index]);
function isbn_validate ($isbn, $type
$okay = false;
$isbn = str_replacearray'-'' '), '', $isbn);
// check ISBN 13
if ($type!=2)
if (strlen$isbn)==13)
for ($i=0;$i<12;$i++)
if (($i%2)==1)
if (is_numeric$isbn$i]))
$sum += $weight$isbn$i];
if ($charsokay
if ($sum>0)
if ((10-($sum % 10)) % 10==$isbn[12])
$okay = true;
// check ISBN 10
if ($type!=1)
if (strlen$isbn)==10)
for ($i=0;$i<10;$i++)
if (is_numeric$isbn$i]))
$sum += ($i+1)*$isbn$i];
if ((strtolower$isbn$i])=='x') && ($i==9))
$sum += 100;
if ($charsokay
if ($sum>0)
if (($sum % 11)==0)
$okay = true;
return $okay
function isbn_validator ($isbn
$isbnpreg_replace'/[^dX]/'''$isbn); //remove all non-numeric or X chars
switch ($case
case 10:
if(!isbn_validate$isbn, 2))
return 0; //Failure - not valid ISBN
case 13:
$isbnpreg_replace'/[^d]/'''$isbn); //remove all non-numeric chars
if(!isbn_validate$isbn, 1))
return 0; //Failure - not valid ISBN
return 0;
return $isbn
function morse ($data, $direction
$codes = array
'a' => '.-'
'b' => '-...'
'c' => '-.-.'
'd' => '-...'
'e' => '.'
'f' => '..-.'
'g' => '--.'
'h' => '....'
'i' => '..'
'j' => '.---'
'k' => '-.-'
'l' => '.-..'
'm' => '--'
'n' => '-.'
'o' => '---'
'p' => '.--.'
'q' => '--.-'
'r' => '.-.'
's' => '...'
't' => '-'
'u' => '..-'
'v' => '...-'
'w' => '.--'
'x' => '-..-'
'y' => '-.--'
'z' => '--..'
'0' => '-----'
'1' => '.----'
'2' => '..---'
'3' => '...--'
'4' => '....-'
'5' => '.....'
'6' => '-....'
'7' => '--...'
'8' => '---..'
'9' => '----.'
',' => '--..--'
'.' => '.-.-.-'
'?' => '..--..'
$output = ''
if ($direction=='text') {
$codes = array_flip$codes);
$elements = explode' ', $data);
foreach ($elements as $element) {
if (array_key_exists$element, $codes))
$output .= $codes$element];
} else {
$data = strtolower$data);
$elements = str_split$data);
foreach ($elements as $element) {
if (array_key_exists$element, $codes))
$output .= $codes$element].' '
$output = trim$output);
return $output
function number2roman ($num
// http://www.go4expert.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4948
// Make sure that we only use the integer portion of the value
$n = intval$num);
$result = ''
// Declare a lookup array that we will use to traverse the number:
$lookup = array'M' => 1000, 'CM' => 900, 'D' => 500, 'CD' => 400,
'C' => 100, 'XC' => 90, 'L' => 50, 'XL' => 40,
'X' => 10, 'IX' => 9, 'V' => 5, 'IV' => 4, 'I' => 1);
foreach ($lookup as $roman => $value)
// Determine the number of matches
$matches = intval$n / $value);
// Store that many characters
$result .= str_repeat$roman, $matches);
// Substract that from the number
$n = $n % $value
// The Roman numeral should be built, return it
return $result
function lathe_polygons ($equation, $start_x, $end_x, $detail
$degrees = 360/$detail
$step = ($end_x$start_x)/$detail
$max_y = 0;
for ($ii=0;$ii<=$detail$ii++) {
$x = $start_x+($ii$step);
$y0 = evaluate_for_x$equation, $x);
if (!is_nan$y0) && !is_infinite$y0)) {
if ($y0 > $max_y) $max_y = $y0
for ($jj=0;$jj$detail$jj++) {
$y = $y0 * sindeg2rad$degrees$jj));
$z = $y0 * cosdeg2rad$degrees$jj));
// the top of the shape
/*if ($ii==0) {
$sides[-1][] = $x;
$sides[-1][] = $y;
$sides[-1][] = $z;
// the bottom of the shape
/*if ($ii==$detail) {
$sides[-2][] = $x;
$sides[-2][] = $y;
$sides[-2][] = $z;
// the sides of the shape
if ($ii$detail) {
$poly = $ii$detail$jj+1;
$sides$poly][6] = $x
$sides$poly][7] = $y
$sides$poly][8] = $z
$poly = $ii$detail+(($jj$detail-1) % $detail)+1;
$sides$poly][9] = $x
$sides$poly][10] = $y
$sides$poly][11] = $z
// the sides of the shape
if ($ii>0) {
$poly = ($ii-1)*$detail$jj+1;
$sides$poly][3] = $x
$sides$poly][4] = $y
$sides$poly][5] = $z
$poly = ($ii-1)*$detail+(($jj$detail-1) % $detail)+1;
$sides$poly][0] = $x
$sides$poly][1] = $y
$sides$poly][2] = $z
$sides = array_values$sides);
return $sides