function weather_forecast ($location, $units, $header_color, $day_header_color, $day_color
$weather = file_get_contents''urlencode$location));
$xml = simplexml_load_string$weather);
if (!isset$xml->weather->forecast_conditions)) {
throw new Exception'Data could not be retreived for location '$location);
$location = $xml->weather->forecast_information->city['data'];
// four day outlook
for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++){
if ($xml->weather->forecast_conditions->$i) {
$forecast_day[] = $xml->weather->forecast_conditions->$i->day_of_week['data'];
$forecast_condition[] = $xml->weather->forecast_conditions->$i->condition['data'];
$low = $xml->weather->forecast_conditions->$i->low['data'];
if ($units=='k'
$low = round((($low - 32)*5/9) + 273, 1);
else if ($units=='c'
$low = round(($low - 32)*5/9, 1);
$forecast_low[] = $low
$high = $xml->weather->forecast_conditions->$i->high['data'];
if ($units=='k'
$high = round((($high - 32)*5/9) + 273, 1);
else if ($units=='c'
$high = round(($high - 32)*5/9, 1);
$forecast_high[] = $high
$forecast_icon[] = $xml->weather->forecast_conditions->$i->icon['data'];
// current
$condition = $xml->weather->current_conditions->condition['data'];
$temp = $xml->weather->current_conditions->temp_f['data'];
if ($units=='k'
$temp = round((($temp - 32)*5/9) + 273, 1);
else if ($units=='c'
$temp = round(($temp - 32)*5/9, 1);
$icon = $xml->weather->current_conditions->icon['data'];
// build the HTML
$header = "<tr><td colspan=""count$forecast_day)."" bgcolor="#$header_color">"
if ($icon!=''
$header .= "<img align="left" src="$icon">"
$header .= "<b>$location</b><br>Currently <i>$condition</i> <b>$temp$units</b>"
$header .= "</td></tr>n<tr>"
$data = "<tr>n"
for ($i = 0; $i < count$forecast_day); $i++){
$header .= "<td width="130" bgcolor="#$day_header_color"><b>$forecast_day[$i]</b></td>"
$data .= "<td bgcolor="#$day_color">"
$data .= "<img src="$forecast_icon[$i]">"
$data .= "<br><i>$forecast_condition[$i]</i>"
$data .= "<br>high <b>$forecast_high[$i]$units</b>"
$data .= "<br>low <b>$forecast_low[$i]$units</b>"
$data .= "</td>n"
$header .= "</tr>"
$data .= "</tr>"
return "<table cellpadding="5" cellspacing="3">n$headern$datan</table>"
eXorithm – Execute Algorithm: View / Run Algorithm weather_forecast