Overlay Image


 * overlay_image
 * Overlay a transparent image on top of another image.
 * @version 0.2
 * @author Contributors at eXorithm
 * @link /algorithm/view/overlay_image Listing at eXorithm
 * @link /algorithm/history/overlay_image History at eXorithm
 * @license /home/show/license
 * @param resource $base (GD image) 
 * @param resource $image (GD image) 
 * @return mixed
function overlay_image($base=null,$image=null)
	$h = imagesy($image);
	$w = imagesx($image);
	imagealphablending($base, true);
	imagesavealpha($base, true);
	imagecopy($base, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $w, $h);
	return $base;


Unique Image


 * unique_image
 * Generate a pseudo-unique "hash" image based on a string.
 * @version 0.3
 * @author Contributors at eXorithm
 * @link /algorithm/view/unique_image Listing at eXorithm
 * @link /algorithm/history/unique_image History at eXorithm
 * @license /home/show/license
 * @param mixed $string 
 * @return resource GD image
function unique_image($string='whatever')
	$image = image_create_alpha($size, $size);
	$n = 0;
	$prev = 0;
	$len = strlen($string);
	$sum = 0;
	for ($i=0;$i<$len;$i++) $sum += ord($string[$i]);
	for ($i=0;$i<$steps;$i++) {
		for ($j=0;$j<$steps;$j++) {
			$letter = $string[$n++ % $len];
			$u = ($n % (ord($letter)+$sum)) + ($prev % (ord($letter)+$len)) + (($sum-1) % ord($letter));
			$color = imagecolorallocate($image, pow($u*$prev+$u+$prev+5,2)%256, pow($u*$prev+$u+$prev+3,2)%256, pow($u*$prev+$u+$prev+1,2)%256);
			if (($u%2)==0)
				imagefilledpolygon($image, array($i*$step, $j*$step, $i*$step+$step, $j*$step, $i*$step, $j*$step+$step), 3, $color);
			$prev = $u;
			$u = ($n % (ord($letter)+$len)) + ($prev % (ord($letter)+$sum)) + (($sum-1) % ord($letter));
			if (($u%2)==0)
				imagefilledpolygon($image, array($i*$step, $j*$step+$step, $i*$step+$step, $j*$step+$step, $i*$step+$step, $j*$step), 3, $color);
			$prev = $u;
	return $image;

 * image_create_alpha
 * Helper function to create a new blank image with transparency.
 * @version 0.1
 * @author Contributors at eXorithm
 * @link /algorithm/view/image_create_alpha Listing at eXorithm
 * @link /algorithm/history/image_create_alpha History at eXorithm
 * @license /home/show/license
 * @param mixed $width 
 * @param mixed $height 
 * @return resource GD image
function image_create_alpha($width='',$height='')
	// Create a normal image and apply required settings
	$img = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
	imagealphablending($img, false);
	imagesavealpha($img, true);
	// Apply the transparent background
	$trans = imagecolorallocatealpha($img, 0, 0, 0, 127);
	for ($x = 0; $x < $width; $x++)
		for ($y = 0; $y < $height; $y++)
			imagesetpixel($img, $x, $y, $trans);
	return $img;


Simple Sort


 * simple_sort
 * Sort an array and display it.
 * @version 0.1
 * @author Contributors at eXorithm
 * @link /algorithm/view/simple_sort Listing at eXorithm
 * @link /algorithm/history/simple_sort History at eXorithm
 * @license /home/show/license
 * @param array $array 
 * @return array
function simple_sort($array=array(0=>'1',1=>'11',2=>'22',3=>'3',4=>'4'))
	return $array;


PI Digits


 * pi_digits
 * Calculate the digits of pi.
 * @version 0.4
 * @author Contributors at eXorithm
 * @link /algorithm/view/pi_digits Listing at eXorithm
 * @link /algorithm/history/pi_digits History at eXorithm
 * @license /home/show/license
 * @param number $digits 
 * @return mixed
function pi_digits($digits=500)
	$n = floor($digits * 14/4);
	$scale = 10000;
	$init = 2000;
	$carry = 0;
	$result = '';
	for($i=0;$i<=$n;$i++) {
		$arr[$i] = $init;
	for($i=$n;$i>0;$i=$i-14) {  
		$sum = 0;  
		for($j=$i;$j>0;$j--) {  
			$sum = ($sum * $j) + ($scale * $arr[$j]);  
			$arr[$j] = $sum % (($j*2)-1);  
			$sum = floor($sum / (($j*2)-1));  
		$result .= sprintf("%04d", ($carry + ($sum / $scale)));
		$carry = $sum % $scale;  
	if ($digits>1) {
		return $result[0].'.'.substr($result,1,$digits-1);
	} else {
		return substr($result,0,$digits);




 * magic8ball
 * Ask the magic 8 ball your question.
 * @version 0.2
 * @author Contributors at eXorithm
 * @link /algorithm/view/magic8ball Listing at eXorithm
 * @link /algorithm/history/magic8ball History at eXorithm
 * @license /home/show/license
 * @return mixed
function magic8ball()
	$answers =array('It is certain', 'It is decidedly so', 'Without a doubt',
				'Yes โ€“ definitely', 'You may rely on it', 'As I see it, yes',
				'Most likely', 'Outlook good', 'Signs point to yes', 'Yes',
				'Reply hazy, try again', 'Ask again later',
				'Better not tell you now', 'Cannot predict now',
				'Concentrate and ask again', 'Don\'t bet on it',
				'My reply is no', 'My sources say no', 'Outlook not so good',
				'Very doubtful' );
	$index = rand(0, count($answers));
	return ($answers[$index]);




 * photobucket
 * Gets all the pictures from a Photobucket album.
 * @version 0.2
 * @author Contributors at eXorithm
 * @link /algorithm/view/photobucket Listing at eXorithm
 * @link /algorithm/history/photobucket History at eXorithm
 * @license /home/show/license
 * @param mixed $url Photobucket URL
 * @return mixed
function photobucket($url='http://s283.photobucket.com/albums/kk285/konnarak_1608/romantic/')
	$str = file_get_contents($url);
	preg_match_all('/<img[^>]+>/i',$str, $result); 
	$strPics = "";
	foreach( $result as $img_tag) {
		foreach( $img_tag as $img) {
			if( !strpos($img, 'class="under off"') ) continue;
			preg_match('/< *img[^>]*src *= *["\']?([^"\']*)/i', $img, $imgURLs);
			$imgURL = str_replace("/th_", "/", $imgURLs[1]);
			$strPics .= $imgURL . "\n";
	return $strPics;


Stock Ticker


 * stock_ticker
 * Generate an HTML stock ticker with current quotes.
 * @version 3.2
 * @author Contributors at eXorithm
 * @link /algorithm/view/stock_ticker Listing at eXorithm
 * @link /algorithm/history/stock_ticker History at eXorithm
 * @license /home/show/license
 * @param array $symbols stocks to go in the ticker
 * @param string $background_color (hex color code) color of the ticker background
 * @param string $stock_color (hex color code) color of the stock symbols
 * @param string $price_color (hex color code) color of the prices
 * @param string $up_color (hex color code) color of gains
 * @param string $down_color (hex color code) color of loses
 * @param number $speed speed of scrolling 
 * @return string HTML
function stock_ticker($symbols=array(0=>'AAPL',1=>'GOOG',2=>'DOW',3=>'GCG13.CMX',4=>'P'),$background_color='dddddd',$stock_color='000000',$price_color='0000bb',$up_color='008000',$down_color='ff0000',$speed=6)
	if ($background_color==$stock_color) {
		// something's wrong, colors weren't specified
		$background_color = invert_color($background_color);
	$return = '<div align="center">
	<marquee bgcolor="#'.$background_color.'" loop="20" scrollamount="'.$speed.'">';
	foreach ($symbols as $symbol) {
		$data = file_get_contents("http://quote.yahoo.com/d/quotes.csv?s=$symbol&f=sl1d1t1c1ohgv&e=.csv");
		$values = explode(",", $data);
		$lasttrade = $values[1];
		$change = $values[4];
		$return .= "<span style=\"color:#$stock_color\">$symbol</span> &nbsp;";
		$return .= "<span style=\"color:#$price_color\">$lasttrade</span> &nbsp;";
		if ($change<0)
			$return .= "<span style=\"color:#$down_color\">$change</span> &nbsp;";
			$return .= "<span style=\"color:#$up_color\">$change</span> &nbsp;";
		$return .= "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
	$return .= '</marque>
	return $return;

 * invert_color
 * Invert a color.
 * @version 0.1
 * @author Contributors at eXorithm
 * @link /algorithm/view/invert_color Listing at eXorithm
 * @link /algorithm/history/invert_color History at eXorithm
 * @license /home/show/license
 * @param string $color (hex color code) 
 * @return string hex color code
function invert_color($color='008080')
	$new = '';
	for ($i=0;$i<3;$i++){
		$c = 255 - hexdec(substr($color,(2*$i),2));
		$c = dechex($c);
		$new .= (strlen($c) < 2) ? '0'.$c : $c;
	return $new;


Draw Cube


 * draw_cube
 * Draw a 3d cube.
 * @version 0.8
 * @author Contributors at eXorithm
 * @link /algorithm/view/draw_cube Listing at eXorithm
 * @link /algorithm/history/draw_cube History at eXorithm
 * @license /home/show/license
 * @param number $image_size Size of the resulting image.
 * @param number $degree_x Degrees to rotate around the x axis.
 * @param number $degree_y Degrees to rotate around the y axis.
 * @param number $degree_z Degrees to rotate around the z axis.
 * @param number $vdist Distance to vanishing point.
 * @param number $dist Distance from origin. This number should not be less than 0 (or else you will be inside the cube!)
 * @param string $vertex_color (hex color code) Color of the vertices of the cube.
 * @param string $face_color (hex color code) Color of the face of the cube.
 * @param bool $wireframe Display as a wireframe (face color will be ignored).
 * @param bool $dashes Display "hidden" lines as dashes (only if wireframe is not selected).
 * @param bool $rainbow Instead of using the face color, draw each side a different color.
 * @return resource GD image
function draw_cube($image_size=400,$degree_x=35,$degree_y=35,$degree_z=0,$vdist=800,$dist=100,$vertex_color='0000ff',$face_color='ff0000',$wireframe=false,$dashes=false,$rainbow=false)
	$degree_x = $degree_x % 360;
	$degree_y = $degree_y % 360;
	$degree_z = $degree_z % 360;
	// construct the cube polygons
	$size = 400; // the size is arbitrary
	$sides = array();
	$sides[] = array($x0,$y0,$z0, $x0,$y0,$z1, $x0,$y1,$z1, $x0,$y1,$z0);
	$sides[] = array($x1,$y0,$z0, $x1,$y0,$z1, $x1,$y1,$z1, $x1,$y1,$z0);
	$sides[] = array($x0,$y0,$z0, $x0,$y0,$z1, $x1,$y0,$z1, $x1,$y0,$z0);
	$sides[] = array($x0,$y1,$z0, $x0,$y1,$z1, $x1,$y1,$z1, $x1,$y1,$z0);
	$sides[] = array($x0,$y0,$z0, $x0,$y1,$z0, $x1,$y1,$z0, $x1,$y0,$z0);
	$sides[] = array($x0,$y0,$z1, $x0,$y1,$z1, $x1,$y1,$z1, $x1,$y0,$z1);
	// project each of the 6 polygons that makes up the cube
	for ($i=0; $i<count($sides); $i++) {
		$points[] = project_polygon($sides[$i], $degree_x, $degree_y, $degree_z, 0, 0, 0, $vdist+($size/2), $dist+($size/2), true);
	// scale the image somewhat
	$scale = $image_size/($size*1.8);
	if ($rainbow) {
		$face_color = array('ff0000', '00d000', 'ffff00', 'a000a0', '0000ff', 'FF8040');
	return render_polygons($points, $vertex_color, $face_color, $wireframe, $dashes, $image_size, $scale);

 * project_polygon
 * Project a the points of a 3d polygon onto a flat 2d surface (the screen).
 * @version 0.5
 * @author Contributors at eXorithm
 * @link /algorithm/view/project_polygon Listing at eXorithm
 * @link /algorithm/history/project_polygon History at eXorithm
 * @license /home/show/license
 * @param array $points Points of the polygon, in the form x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, etc.
 * @param number $degree_x Degrees to rotate around the x axis.
 * @param number $degree_y Degrees to rotate around the y axis.
 * @param number $degree_z Degrees to rotate around the z axis.
 * @param number $center_x Location to center the view on.
 * @param number $center_y Location to center the view on.
 * @param number $center_z Location to center the view on.
 * @param number $dist1 Distance from viewer to screen (distance to vanishing point).
 * @param number $dist2 Distance from screen to object.
 * @param bool $include_z Return the z (distance) parameter for each point as well.
 * @return mixed
function project_polygon($points=array(0=>'-1',1=>'-1',2=>'0',3=>'-1',4=>'1',5=>'0',6=>'1',7=>'1',8=>'0',9=>'1',10=>'-1',11=>'0'),$degree_x=45,$degree_y=45,$degree_z=45,$center_x=0,$center_y=0,$center_z=0,$dist1=5,$dist2=2,$include_z=false)
	// check points
	if ((count($points)%3)!=0) {
		throw new Exception('The points must be a list like x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, etc. The number of points therefore must be divisible by three.');
	$degree_x = deg2rad($degree_x);
	$degree_y = deg2rad($degree_y);
	$degree_z = deg2rad($degree_z);
	$cosx = cos($degree_x);
	$sinx = sin($degree_x);
	$cosy = cos($degree_y);
	$siny = sin($degree_y);
	$cosz = cos($degree_z);
	$sinz = sin($degree_z);
	$array = array();
	for ($i=0;$i<count($points);$i=$i+3) {
		$x0 = $points[$i]-$center_x;
		$y0 = $points[$i+1]-$center_y;
		$z0 = $points[$i+2]-$center_z;
		$x1 = $cosy*($sinz*$y0 + $cosz*$x0) - $siny*$z0;
		$y1 = $sinx*($cosy*$z0 + $siny*($sinz*$y0 + $cosz*$x0)) + $cosx*($cosz*$y0 - $sinz*$x0);
		$z1 = $cosx*($cosy*$z0 + $siny*($sinz*$y0 + $cosz*$x0)) - $sinx*($cosz*$y0 - $sinz*$x0);
		$x2 = $x1*$dist1/($z1+$dist1+$dist2);
		$y2 = $y1*$dist1/($z1+$dist1+$dist2);
		$z2 = $z1*$dist1/($z1+$dist1+$dist2);
		$array[] = $x2;
		$array[] = $y2;
		if ($include_z) $array[] = $z2;
	return $array;

 * render_polygons
 * Helper function to render polygons to the screen with a number of options.
 * @version 0.5
 * @author Contributors at eXorithm
 * @link /algorithm/view/render_polygons Listing at eXorithm
 * @link /algorithm/history/render_polygons History at eXorithm
 * @license /home/show/license
 * @param array $polygons Multi-dimensional array. Each element will be an array of points (x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, etc).
 * @param string $vertex_color (hex color code) Color of the vertices of the polygons.
 * @param string $face_color (hex color code) Color of the faces of the polygons.
 * @param bool $wireframe Display as a wireframe (face color will be ignored).
 * @param bool $dashes Display "hidden" vertices as dashes (only if wireframe is not selected).
 * @param number $image_size Size of the resulting image.
 * @param number $scale Scale factor. Set to 0 to auto-scale (fill the image).
 * @return resource GD image
function render_polygons($polygons=array(0=>array(0=>-100,1=>-100,2=>1,3=>0,4=>100,5=>1,6=>100,7=>-100,8=>1)),$vertex_color='000000',$face_color='ffd700',$wireframe=false,$dashes=false,$image_size=300,$scale=1)
	foreach ($polygons as $polygon) {
		if (!is_array($polygon)) {
			throw new Exception('Each polygon must be a list.');
		} else if ((count($polygon)%3)!=0) {
			throw new Exception('Each polygon must be a list like x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, etc. The number of points therefore must be divisible by three.');
	if (is_array($vertex_color)) {
		if (count($vertex_color) != count($polygons)) {
			throw new Exception('If vertex colors is an array, it must contain the same number of colors as the number of polygons.');
	if (is_array($face_color)) {
		if (count($face_color) != count($polygons)) {
			throw new Exception('If face colors is an array, it must contain the same number of colors as the number of polygons.');
	// if scale=0 then we auto-scale
	if ($scale==0) {
		$max = 0;
		for ($i=0; $i<count($polygons); $i++) {
			for ($j=0; $j<count($polygons[$i]); $j=$j+3) {  
				if (abs($polygons[$i][$j])>$max)
					$max = abs($polygons[$i][$j]);
				if (abs($polygons[$i][$j+1])>$max)
					$max = abs($polygons[$i][$j+1]);
		if ($max>0)
			$scale = ($image_size-2)/($max*2);
	// the polygon arrays (x,y,z) must be converted into shapes (x,y)
	$shapes = array();
	$z_max = array();
	for ($i=0; $i<count($polygons); $i++) {
		$max = $polygons[$i][2];
		for ($j=0; $j<count($polygons[$i]); $j=$j+3) {  
			$x = $polygons[$i][$j];
			$y = $polygons[$i][$j+1];
			// map each x,y coord to a screen position
			$x = round($image_size/2 + $x*$scale);
			$y = round($image_size/2 - $y*$scale);
			$shapes[$i][$j] = $x;
			$shapes[$i][$j+1] = $y;
			// keep track of the maximum z-value for each shape
			if ($polygons[$i][$j+2]>$max)
				$max = $polygons[$i][$j+2];
		$shapes[$i] = array_values($shapes[$i]);
		$z_max[$i] = $max;
	// create a blank image
	$image = image_create_alpha($image_size, $image_size);
	// create the colors
	if (!is_array($vertex_color))
		$vertex_color = array_fill(0, count($polygons), $vertex_color);
	if (!is_array($face_color))
		$face_color = array_fill(0, count($polygons), $face_color);
	// painter's algorithm - draw farther polygons first
	array_multisort($z_max, SORT_DESC, $shapes, $face_color, $vertex_color);
	// draw the polygons
	for ($i=0; $i<count($shapes); $i++) {
		$v_color = allocate_color($image, $vertex_color[$i]);
		$f_color = allocate_color($image, $face_color[$i]);
		if (!$wireframe) {
			imagefilledpolygon($image, $shapes[$i], count($shapes[$i])/2, $f_color);
		imagepolygon($image, $shapes[$i], count($shapes[$i])/2, $v_color);
	// draw dashes - BUGGY
	if ($dashes) {
		for ($i=0; $i<count($shapes); $i++) {
			$v_color = allocate_color($image, $vertex_color[$i]);
			imagesetstyle($image, $style);
			imagepolygon($image, $shapes[$i], count($shapes[$i])/2, IMG_COLOR_STYLED);
	return $image;

 * image_create_alpha
 * Helper function to create a new blank image with transparency.
 * @version 0.1
 * @author Contributors at eXorithm
 * @link /algorithm/view/image_create_alpha Listing at eXorithm
 * @link /algorithm/history/image_create_alpha History at eXorithm
 * @license /home/show/license
 * @param mixed $width 
 * @param mixed $height 
 * @return resource GD image
function image_create_alpha($width='',$height='')
	// Create a normal image and apply required settings
	$img = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
	imagealphablending($img, false);
	imagesavealpha($img, true);
	// Apply the transparent background
	$trans = imagecolorallocatealpha($img, 0, 0, 0, 127);
	for ($x = 0; $x < $width; $x++)
		for ($y = 0; $y < $height; $y++)
			imagesetpixel($img, $x, $y, $trans);
	return $img;

 * allocate_color
 * Helper function to allocate a color to an image. Color should be a 6-character hex string.
 * @version 0.2
 * @author Contributors at eXorithm
 * @link /algorithm/view/allocate_color Listing at eXorithm
 * @link /algorithm/history/allocate_color History at eXorithm
 * @license /home/show/license
 * @param resource $image (GD image) The image that will have the color allocated to it.
 * @param string $color (hex color code) The color to allocate to the image.
 * @param mixed $transparency The level of transparency from 0 to 127.
 * @return mixed
function allocate_color($image=null,$color='268597',$transparency='0')
	if (preg_match('/[0-9ABCDEF]{6}/i', $color)==0) {
		throw new Exception("Invalid color code.");
	if ($transparency<0 || $transparency>127) {
		throw new Exception("Invalid transparency.");
	$r  = hexdec(substr($color, 0, 2));
	$g  = hexdec(substr($color, 2, 2));
	$b  = hexdec(substr($color, 4, 2));
	if ($transparency>127) $transparency = 127;
	if ($transparency<=0)
		return imagecolorallocate($image, $r, $g, $b);
		return imagecolorallocatealpha($image, $r, $g, $b, $transparency);


Sort Multi Array


 * sort_multi_array
 * Sort a two-dimensional array by one (or more) of the elements in the nested arrays. Accepts a variable number of arguments.
 * @version 0.1
 * @author Contributors at eXorithm
 * @link /algorithm/view/sort_multi_array Listing at eXorithm
 * @link /algorithm/history/sort_multi_array History at eXorithm
 * @license /home/show/license
 * @param array $array Two dimensional array. Each array in the array should have the same keys.
 * @param mixed $key Key in the sub-arrays to sort by.
 * @return array
function sort_multi_array($array=array(0=>array('surname'=>'Smith','givenname'=>'Henrietta'),1=>array('surname'=>'Smythe','givenname'=>'Stuart'),2=>array('surname'=>'Black','givenname'=>'Conrad'),3=>array('surname'=>'Smith','givenname'=>'Abigail'),4=>array('surname'=>'Eaves','givenname'=>'Ruth'),5=>array('surname'=>'Travis','givenname'=>'Earl')),$key='surname')
	$keys = array();
	for ($i=1;$i<func_num_args();$i++) {
		$keys[$i-1] = func_get_arg($i);
	// create a custom search function to pass to usort
	$func = function ($a, $b) use ($keys) {
		for ($i=0;$i<count($keys);$i++) {
			if ($a[$keys[$i]] != $b[$keys[$i]]) {
				return ($a[$keys[$i]] < $b[$keys[$i]]) ? -1 : 1;
		return 0;
	usort($array, $func);
	return $array;




 * hailstone
 * Calculates a hailstone sequence.
 * @version 0.3
 * @author Contributors at eXorithm
 * @link /algorithm/view/hailstone Listing at eXorithm
 * @link /algorithm/history/hailstone History at eXorithm
 * @license /home/show/license
 * @param number $number number to start with
 * @return array
function hailstone($number=17)
	$result = array();
	while ($number > 1) {
		$result[] = $number;
		if ($number & 1)
			$number = 3 * $number + 1;
			$number = $number / 2;
	$result[] = $number;
	return $result;
